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Teachers' Day - page 35

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The first step towards success is shown to us by our teachers and it is them who make us understand how important it is to be who you are and better yourself at each stage of life. Teachers are not restricted to the four walls of the school or the college, we found many teachers at every phase of life and there is a saying that life is the biggest teachers of all but as we cannot gift “life” anything materialistic, we at least should make an effort to gift something to our teacher as token of respect and gratitude. Though, materialistic gifts are not that materialistic in our shop as we carve every gift item with love and care. We have different items for our teachers and we want to share the same with you. Teachers help us recognise who we are, what our strengths are and most importantly what we think to be we can be is the confidence put into us by our teachers, they scold us for our betterment and thus they deserve respect right after our parents and we at Cake Express Delhi believe that teachers are like our 2nd parents who devote their lives to make ours better. So, this Teacher’s day, let them feel that they are respected and they are loved as well and we all are our teacher’s children, don’t we? The credit they deserve for making what we are today is definitely they owe from us and we should make them feel special on this special day of theirs, every time we get the chance. We have various Teachers’ day gifts in our shop which you can order online and buy physically dropping into our shop as well. If you are away from the city where your best and favorite teacher resides, Delhi, you can just place an order online with your requirements and we will drop the gifts at the doorstep of your Teacher’s home to make them feel excited and happy for being your teacher as well.