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Order Kids Special Customized Cakes From Cake Express : Online Delivery in Delhi NCR - page 92

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When we were kids we used to love and do anything for cakes and that makes us what we are today, we love to eat cakes we love to bake cakes and thus we understand that being a kid when your mom doesn’t allow you to have a cake daily, how pissed off you get! So, this is for those moms and the kids who love cakes but don’t eat because of the sugar and the cream and etc. At Cake Express Delhi, we bake Kids Special Cakes which are specially baked for the kids keeping in mind the type of cake they should have and the concerns of the mother. We have a variety of Kids Special Cakes which are rich in freshest ingredients so that your child gets to eat the best cakes and never gets sick. We also keep in mind that the cakes you are buying from us are freshly baked out of the oven so that you get the freshest cakes and your child gets the best as well. On the design section, there are different designs which we bake for the kids that are from the cartoon characters to the Barbie dolls and the fondants which the kids adore a lot. The Kids Special Cakes are made with less sugar content so that their teeth don’t get affected which a mother always worry the most about having cakes. We also take care of the fact that the ingredients we are choosing and using the cakes are rich and best in the quality. The cakes for the kids are especially varied in flavors as they love to explore. The price of these cakes varies according to the size and the design and flavors as well but the price is always reasonable as we love to make our customers happy and the kids happier.